Plays > The Vendetta in Iga
The Vendetta in Iga
(伊賀越道中双六) (Iga-goe dōchū sugoroku)
Written By: Chikamatsu Hanji (近松半二) , Chikamatsu Kasaku (近松加作)
- November 1964: The Vendetta in Iga
- April 1972: The Vendetta in Iga
- February 1974: The Vendetta in Iga
- June 1974: The Vendetta in Iga
- July 1975: The Vendetta in Iga
- February 1977: The Vendetta in Iga
- October 1979: The Vendetta in Iga
- October 1980: The Vendetta in Iga
- November 1984: The Vendetta in Iga
- May 1986: The Vendetta in Iga
- October 1991: The Vendetta in Iga
- February 1991: The Vendetta in Iga
- December 1977 Bunraku Kanshō Kyōshitsu: The Vendetta in Iga
- April 1992: The Vendetta in Iga
- April 1998: The Vendetta in Iga
- May 1998: The Vendetta in Iga
- December 1982: The Vendetta in Iga
- Hayaku (端役)
- Kodanshichi (小団七)
- Keisei (傾城)
- Hagataki (端敵)
- Nemuri no musume (ねむりの娘)
- Kiichi (鬼一)
- Takeuji (武氏)
- Musume (娘)
- Darasuke (陀羅助)
- Kintoki (金時)
- Genta (源太)
- Bunshichi (文七)
- Kenbishi (検非違使)
- Bannai (伴内)
- Yūsen (祐仙)
- Yokanbei (与勘平)
- Baba (婆)
- Tsume (つめ)
- Fukeoyama (老女形)
- Onoemon (斧右衛門)
- Tedai (手代)
- Shūto (舅)
- Onna koyaku (女子役)
- Otoko koyaku (男子役)
- Toraō (虎王)
- Sanmaime (三枚目)
- Ofuku (お福)
- Shibagaki (母柴垣)
- Otani (娘お谷)
- Matagoro (沢井股五郎)
- Yukie (和田行家)
- Jitsunai (奴実内)
- Dainaiki (誉田大内記)
- Goemon (宇佐見五右衛門)
- Rinzaemon (桜田林左衛門)
- Busuke (石留武助)
- Masaemon (唐木政右衛門)
- Okura (乳母おくら)
- Onochi (娘おのち)
- Page (小姓)
- Heisaku (親平作 (雲助平作))
- Jubei (呉服屋十兵衛 (重兵衛))
- Yasubei (荷持安兵衛)
- Oyone (娘お米)
- Magohachi (池添孫八)
- Shizuma (和田志津馬)
- Osode (娘お袖)
- Sukehei (奴助平)
- Gampachi (蛇の目の眼八)
- Kobei's wife (幸兵衛女房)
- Kobei (山田幸兵衛)
- Chief constable (捕手の小頭)
- Messanger Kosuke (歩きの小助)
- Minosuke, Otani's son (伜巳之助)
- Night watchman (夜回り)
- Segawa (傾城瀬川)
- Postman (飛脚)
- Tsurutayu (万歳鶴太夫)
- Kamekichi (才造亀吉)
- Sadashichi (本庄屋定七)
- Magoroku (池添孫六)
- Kinezo, a dumpling peddler (団子売杵造)
- Ousu, a dumpling peddler (団子売お臼)
- Tanemon Sasaki (佐々木丹右衛門)
- Jogoro Sawai (沢井城五郎)
- Narumi (母鳴海)
- Nomorinosuke Kondo (近藤野守之助)
- A vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍)
- Omatsu, a maid (腰元お松)
- Onaka, a maid (腰元お中)
- Seki, a vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍関)
- Umida, a vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍海田)
- Arakawa, a vassal of the Shogun (眤近侍荒川)
- Constables (捕手)