Kashira > Kodanshichi
- The Pines on Mount Hibari (ひばり山古跡松)
- The Battle of Ichinotani (一谷嫩軍記)
- Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees (義経千本桜)
- The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags (敵討襤褸錦敵討襤褸錦)
- The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu (新版歌祭文)
- The Teachings for Women (妹背山婦女庭訓)
- The Gion Festival (祇園祭礼信仰記)
- The Shiraishi Story (碁太平記白石噺)
- The Subscription List (勧進帳)
- Tametomo The Archer General (椿説弓張月)
- The Pines on Mount Hibari (ひばり山(鶊山)姫捨松)
- The Two-Colored Reins (恋女房染分手綱)
- The Vendetta in Iga (伊賀越道中双六)
- The Trouble in the Date Household (伽羅先代萩)
- The Maiden's Colorful Fan (極彩色娘扇)
- The New Barrier of Ataka (鳴響安宅新関)
- The Battle of Sakamoto Castle (近江源氏先陣館)
- The Battle of Kawanakajima (信州川中島合戦)
- The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons (本朝廿四孝)
- The Stone Monument of Glory (花上野誉碑)
- The Tycoon's Exploit (絵本太功記 絵本太功記)
- The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns (鎌倉三代記)
- The Yaguchi Ferry (神霊矢口渡)
- Akogi Bay in Ise Province (勢州阿漕浦)
- The Vow of Rokusuke (彦山権現誓助剣)
- The White Fox of Shinoda (芦屋道満大内鑑)
- The Story of Kasane (薫樹累物語)
- The Two Butterflies (双蝶々曲輪日記)
- The Story of the Morning Glory (生写朝顔話)
- The New Usuyuki Story (新薄雪物語)
- The Priest Karukaya and the Souvenir of Tsukushi (苅萱桑門筑紫いえづと)
- The Seven Gods of Fortune (七福神宝の入舩)
- The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)