Kashira > Sanmaime
- The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons (本朝廿四孝)
- The Battles of Genji and Heike (ひらかな盛衰記)
- The Love of Ohan and Choemon (桂川連理柵)
- The Love-Inspired Murder (恋娘昔八丈)
- The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu (新版歌祭文)
- The Old Tale of Kusunoki (楠昔噺)
- The Two-Colored Reins (恋女房染分手綱)
- The Bloodshed at Ise (伊勢音頭恋寝刃)
- The Trouble in the Date Household (伽羅先代萩)
- The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)
- The Tycoon's Exploit (絵本太功記 絵本太功記)
- The Love Suicides at Amijima (心中天網島)
- The Adachi Plain in Oshu (奥州安達原)
- The Romance in the Gay Quarters (曲輪ぶんしょう)
- The Battle of Ichinotani (一谷嫩軍記)
- The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway (東海道中膝栗毛)
- The Inauspicious Sword (桜鍔恨鮫鞘)
- The Teachings for Women (妹背山婦女庭訓)
- The Summer Festival at Naniwa (夏祭浪花鑑)
- The Nine-Tailed Fox (玉藻前曦袂)
- The Ancient Calendar (大経師昔暦)
- The Story of Priest Roben (良弁杉由来)
- The Vendetta in Iga (伊賀越道中双六)
- The Cherry Trees Along the Hidaka River (日高川入相花王)
- The Gion Festival (祇園祭礼信仰記)
- The Story of the Morning Glory (生写朝顔話)
- Sasayaki no take (ささやきの竹)
- The Monkey Dance (うつぼ猿)
- The Courier for Hell (冥途の飛脚)
- The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil (女殺油地獄)
- The Stone Monument of Glory (花上野誉碑)
- The Murder in Revenge (国言詢音頭)
- The Color Prints of Kagamiyama (加賀見山旧錦絵)
- The Story of Kasane (薫樹累物語)