Kashira > Ofuku
- The Color Prints of Kagamiyama (加賀見山旧錦絵)
- The Love of Ohan and Choemon (桂川連理柵)
- The Story of Priest Roben (良弁杉由来)
- The Amorous Courier (傾城恋飛脚)
- The Battles of Genji and Heike (ひらかな盛衰記)
- The Love Suicides at Sonezaki (曽根崎心中)
- Fishing for Wives (釣女)
- The Teachings for Women (妹背山婦女庭訓)
- The Nunobiki Waterfall (源平布引滝)
- The Love-Inspired Murder (恋娘昔八丈)
- The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags (敵討襤褸錦敵討襤褸錦)
- The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu (新版歌祭文)
- The Shiraishi Story (碁太平記白石噺)
- Gonza the Lancer (鑓の権三重帷子)
- The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway (恋飛脚大和往来)
- The Loyal Samurai (太平記忠臣講釈)
- The Two-Colored Reins (恋女房染分手綱)
- The Courier for Hell (冥途の飛脚)
- The Story of the Morning Glory (生写朝顔話)
- The Bloodshed at Ise (伊勢音頭恋寝刃)
- The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)
- The Adachi Plain in Oshu (奥州安達原)
- The Pregnant Mountain Ogress (Heroine) (嫗山姥)
- The Love Suicide of Tokubei and Ofusa (心中重井筒)
- The Battle of Kawanakajima (信州川中島合戦)
- The Romance in the Gay Quarters (曲輪ぶんしょう)
- The Tales of Ise (競伊勢物語)
- The Nine-Tailed Fox (玉藻前曦袂)
- The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway (恋飛脚大和往来)
- The Battle of Ichinotani (一谷嫩軍記)
- The Yaguchi Ferry (神霊矢口渡)
- The Vow of Rokusuke (彦山権現誓助剣)
- The Maple Viewing Party (紅葉狩)
- Kumagai at the Fan Shop (須磨都源平躑躅)
- The Story of Kasane (薫樹累物語)
- The Murder in Revenge (国言詢音頭)
- The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo (心中宵庚申)
- Sansho Dayu (さんしょう太夫)
- The Love Suicides at Amijima (心中天網島)
- Masakiyo's Loyalty (八陣守護城)
- Monkey (五天竺)
- The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa (堀川波の鼓)
- The Three Generations of Kamakura Shoguns (鎌倉三代記)
- The Double Suicide at Ikudama (生玉心中)
- The Eternal Love of Onatsu and Seijurō (寿連理の松)
- The Disinherited Son (夫婦善哉)
- The Dancing Mushrooms (舞い茸)
- The Herculean Woman (和田合戦女舞鶴)
- Stone Flower (石の花)
- The Vendetta in Iga (伊賀越道中双六)
- The Tycoon's Exploit (絵本太功記 絵本太功記)
- Kagekiyo and His Daughter (嬢景清八嶋日記)