Kashira > Yūsen
- The Story of Priest Roben (良弁杉由来)
- The Nunobiki Waterfall (源平布引滝)
- The Dances of the Four Seasons (花競四季寿)
- The Story of the Morning Glory (生写朝顔話)
- The Shank's Mare along the Tokaido Highway (東海道中膝栗毛)
- The Vendetta in Iga (伊賀越道中双六)
- The Celebration of Housing Starts (寿柱立万歳)
- The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)
- The Old Tale of Kusunoki (楠昔噺)
- Monkey (五天竺)
- The Vow of Rokusuke (彦山権現誓助剣)
- The Battle of Sakamoto Castle (近江源氏先陣館)
- The Seven Gods of Fortune (七福神宝の入舩)
- The Red Battle Surcoat (赤い陣羽織)
- The Woman's Harakiri at Nagamachi (長町女腹切)