In this Image:


The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons (本朝廿四孝) , The Tycoon's Exploit (絵本太功記 絵本太功記) , The Murder in Revenge (国言詢音頭)


Narrator (太夫) , Shamisen player (三味線)


The Cutting of the Pine Branch (松切り) , The Village of Nozaki (野崎村) , Moritsuna's War Camp (See also Love for Koshiro and Moritsuna Identifies a Head) (盛綱陣屋 (See also 小四郎恩愛 and 盛綱首実検))

Archival Information:

Creator:  Barbara Curtis Adachi
Item ID:  06-05
Media Type:  album page
Colser ID:  7
Sequence:  0605
Series:  6
Container Type:  (Digital File)