In this Image:


The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)


The Double Suicide (道行霜夜の千日) , The Dry Riverbed at Shichijo (七条河原) , Sadanoshin's Suicide (能舞台定之進切腹) , Katsukake Village (沓掛村) , At the Foot of the Slope (坂の下) , Shigenoi's Parting with Her Son (重の井子別れ) , The Dry Riverbed at Shichijo (七条河原) , The Kameya Express Agency at Awajimachi (淡路町)

Archival Information:

Creator:  Barbara Curtis Adachi
Item ID:  04-08
Media Type:  album page
Colser ID:  7
Sequence:  0408
Series:  4
Container Type:  (Digital File)