In this Image:


Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy (菅原伝授手習鑑) , The Love of Ohan and Choemon (桂川連理柵) , The Battles of Genji and Heike (ひらかな盛衰記)


Shamisen player (三味線) , Narrator (太夫) , Rehearsal (舞台稽古)


The Pawnshop (質店) , The Ikutama Shrine (生玉鳥居前) , At the Fence (築地) , The Port of Yasui (安井汐待) , Kurosuke's House (九郎助内) , The Otowa Hill (音羽山) , The Biwa Music (松波琵琶) , The Feast at Nijo Castle (二条城配膳)

Archival Information:

Creator:  Barbara Curtis Adachi
Item ID:  03-02
Media Type:  album page
Colser ID:  7
Sequence:  0302
Series:  3
Container Type:  (Digital File)