Authors > Miyoshi Shōraku
Miyoshi Shōraku
- The Two Butterflies (双蝶々曲輪日記)
- The Maiden's Colorful Fan (極彩色娘扇)
- The Battles of Genji and Heike (ひらかな盛衰記)
- The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons (本朝廿四孝)
- The Two-Colored Reins (恋女房染分手綱)
- The Sumo Wrestler's Banner (関取千両幟)
- The New Usuyuki Story (新薄雪物語)
- Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees (義経千本桜)
- The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)
- The Cherry Trees of the Imperial Palace (御所桜堀川夜討)
- The Summer Festival at Naniwa (夏祭浪花鑑)
- Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy (菅原伝授手習鑑)
- The Teachings for Women (妹背山婦女庭訓)
- The Battle of Sakamoto Castle (近江源氏先陣館)
- The Travel on Mt. Yoshino (道行初音旅)
- The Nunobiki Waterfall (源平布引滝)
- The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags (敵討襤褸錦敵討襤褸錦)
- The Old Tale of Kusunoki (楠昔噺)
- The Loyal Samurai (太平記忠臣講釈)
- The Cruel Employer (由良湊千軒長者)
- The Bridal Journey (道行旅路の嫁入)